Bollywood actress Karishma Kapoor gave birth to a baby boy at Breach Candy Hospital Mumbai. Entire Kapoors were there for the new born baby. Karishma and her son both are in fine condition.
This is Karishma's second child after her first child Samaira who is six year old. Karishma is married to a Delhi based businessman Sanjay Kapoor.
Kareena Kapoor was very excited on becoming maasi again. On the occasion she said "I am thrilled to become a maasi again! I have just come back from the hospital. Lolo and the baby are healthy and fine. We are having a huge family get-together. Mom, dad, Samaira, Sanjay (Lolo's husband), Saif and I are having a lovely family time together."
"We haven't named the baby as yet but will do so in a couple of days. I have also thought of a name for him. We are all over the moon with the baby and so is Samaira. Last night we had an intimate family dinner to celebrate the baby's arrival," added Kareena.
She Said "Yes I have! Nothing - not even work can come between my babies and me! I love babies and I just can't wait to hold Lolo's baby in my arms and play with him. When Lolo is busy with the baby, Mom (Babita) and I will take turns to baby sit Samaira. I am looking forward to this break with great pleasure! I have already shopped for the baby's clothes and toys and looking forward to giving them to him. This break is also a great way of my entire family coming together and bonding in a big way."
Congratulation to Karishma and the Kapoor Family Members.
This is Karishma's second child after her first child Samaira who is six year old. Karishma is married to a Delhi based businessman Sanjay Kapoor.
Kareena Kapoor was very excited on becoming maasi again. On the occasion she said "I am thrilled to become a maasi again! I have just come back from the hospital. Lolo and the baby are healthy and fine. We are having a huge family get-together. Mom, dad, Samaira, Sanjay (Lolo's husband), Saif and I are having a lovely family time together."
"We haven't named the baby as yet but will do so in a couple of days. I have also thought of a name for him. We are all over the moon with the baby and so is Samaira. Last night we had an intimate family dinner to celebrate the baby's arrival," added Kareena.
She Said "Yes I have! Nothing - not even work can come between my babies and me! I love babies and I just can't wait to hold Lolo's baby in my arms and play with him. When Lolo is busy with the baby, Mom (Babita) and I will take turns to baby sit Samaira. I am looking forward to this break with great pleasure! I have already shopped for the baby's clothes and toys and looking forward to giving them to him. This break is also a great way of my entire family coming together and bonding in a big way."
Congratulation to Karishma and the Kapoor Family Members.